Carry The Load started in 2011 as a grassroots effort by two Veteran U.S. Navy SEALs who felt like the nation had forgotten the meaning of Memorial Day. Now, Carry The Load has turned into a worldwide movement to honor our nation’s heroes and make Memorial Day matter again.
We are excited that Carry the Load has selected Merging Vets and Players as a partner for this year’s event! To date, Carry The Load has helped raise over $38M in conjunction with Military & First Responder charities across the United States.
Your participation and donation helps Merging Vets & Players continue its mission of providing a new team for veterans and athletes navigate life outside of the uniform. All funds raised during this campaign will go directly to MVP.
Join an MVP chapter’s team or create your own! Funds that you raise will “roll up” to the team total, and you can earn your Load Carrier shirt by raising $200 or more! 100% of proceeds will go to Merging Vets & Players if you’re registered under our page! Click button below to view MVP’s fundraising page.